The Art of Authenticity for Women Writers EVENT TAKEAWAYS

book publishing business development event planning memorable events personal development writing May 20, 2024

TAKEAWAYS from A Memorable Marketing Event:

On Friday, May 17th 2024, Sandy Goe, Memorable Marketing & Event Consultant, hosted a webinar: "The Art of Authenticity; Crafting Memorable Connections through Writing" with Judy M. Baker, Book Marketing Consultant.

The VIDEO includes excerpts from the interactive meeting for women writers. A summary of takeaways from the meeting are listed below.

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Meeting Purpose

The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the art of authenticity and crafting memorable connections through writing.


Key Takeaways

  •  Build authentic relationships by consistently providing value, sharing knowledge, and being generous with your time/resources
  •  Leverage your existing connections/communities to promote your work and gain momentum
  •  Consider self-publishing to maintain control over your book and rights
  •  Partner with complementary businesses/groups for events to reach wider audiences
  •  Lean into your natural personality strengths while seeking support in areas you need to develop



Personal Branding and Authenticity

  •  Be bold and confident in expressing your authentic self
  •  Dress/present yourself in a way that makes you feel empowered
  •  Share from the heart and let your passion shine through
  •  Consistency in showing up as a helpful, generous person builds trust


Storytelling and Writing

  •  Share personal stories/experiences to connect with readers
  •  Publish articles, short stories etc. to build credibility
  •  Persevere through rejection by consistently submitting work
  •  Writing groups and contests can provide support and exposure


Establishing Authority

  •  Leverage existing published work when querying agents/publishers
  •  Public speaking, podcasts allow you to share your expertise
  •  Partner with relevant businesses/organizations for events
  •  Build an engaged community around your niche/passion


Next Steps